Saturday, December 23, 2006

Before going to bed

1- Your problem is not the only problem of the world.
2- Although you might think that you are the only person having a particular problem, you are not alone in your pain.
3- But we born alone, we live alone and at the end, we die alone.
4- Loneliness is the building block of individualism.
5- Individualism is the introduction of intellectualism.
6- Intellectualism quote is that “I’m thinking so I’m being”; not “I’m feeling so I’m being”.
7- Feelings have an external source.
8- So we have a feeling, if and only if, an external concept gives you the reason.
9- Feelings are logic-less.
10- Logic is the language of intellectualism.
11- “I love you” is another way to describe “I am not feeling lonely”.
12- When you have love, you have pain.
13- You have pain because you are not lonely.
14- You are not lonely because you are logic-less.
15- You have reason to have pain: You have an external source.
16- You can't compare feelings with each other.
17- Apple and orange are different; as you and me, as our feelings, as our logic and our pains.
18- You can have feeling toward someone else while you are with someone else.
19- You can feel lonely while the other one doesn’t feel that.
20- That is because of an external source. It can be a smile, a passionate sex or a music piece.
21- Feelings are nice.
22- Nice is another logic-less concept. Logical stuffs are either true or false.
23- When something is nice, you are happy.
24- That’s why happiness is not the most important issue of our life.
25- And maybe that’s the reason we are alone.
26- I am thinking so I am alone.
27- I have pain so I am not alone.
28- “I love you” so I am alone; although “I am not feeling lonely”.
29- I am alone so I am being.
30- I have pain so I don’t have a logical procedure.
31- But anyway: I love you because I have feeling.
32- I have feeling so I am not being.
33- I am not being so I am not thinking.
34- I am not thinking, that’s why I am in love.
35- I am in love, you are in love but we are lonely.
36- That’s why my problem is not the only problem of the world.
37- So we are being.
38- I have pain, so I am being.
n- We are lonely because we obliged to have pain, logic and feeling. That’s why we are human being!!!

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