Friday, March 09, 2007

Friday night out

Birmingham raises
On the green gloomy
Main land of an island.
Colorful, smokey, working
Class oriented, wet, windy
Red brick sort of houses
Buildings full of chavs
and chubby women

I am living in one
Used to be my
Source of pain
Nostalgia, dreams
Of my ego child
Recently sacrifice,
An exercise to
Forget without smile.

Cry, terrible cry
Shout, loud shouts
The story of inside
Outside dead flower
Waits for drops of
Fake love with no clouds
Lost in thoughts
Sounds of past
Pure illusion somehow
And so so dark
Oh, my god
that's the reason
For any why.

I am bored, alone
Trip to the town
I know that's not
Right but never mind
Broad street comes out
of the gutter, shallow flirts
Boobs in limelight

that's our modern life

Money, trend,
girls, madness
Change my mood
from great to sadness.

Money, trend,
girls, madness
Change my mood
From great to sadness.

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