Monday, March 12, 2007

Metaxa is speaking

Tonight we understood that:

1- The future of the world is something that can be so tragic. (After that she went to sleep; I think she scared of our deconstructive conversation from the beginning. Very wise of her actually)
2- We are not the people who take apart in this tragedy. we are just gonna be the observers.
3- We are all bullshitting, although we might not be aware of it.
3- We are all cheating. Why? Because we are bullshitting. In order to bullshit, you have to cheat.
4- We ( I mean me and him up to some extent) are not cheating in very emotional level. The game have some rules indeed.
5- As far as we are winner in our game (in other word in our cheating) we are happy.
6- People are cheating in different ways.
7- People might not aware of cheating. But all people are doing it.
8- Death is gonna happen either when you are not expecting it or you are ready for it.
9- I am not ready for it.
10- I want to sleep...
11- good night buddy, see you tomorrow.
12- I am alone again.
13- is not a lucky number.
14- I have to work on my SO WHAT philosophy.
15- I am driven by my feelings. My logic is the tool to justify them.
n- I don't remember it.

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